Current Position
Emeritus Professor of Engineering Practice, Department of Computer Science
University of Southern California
(310) 463-5774
E-mail: zyda@mikezyda.com
Research Interests: computer graphics, large-scale, networked 3D virtual environments, agent-based simulation, modeling human and organizational behavior, interactive computer-generated story, computer-generated characters, video production, entertainment/defense collaboration, serious and entertainment games, and modeling and simulation.
Pioneer in the following fields: computer graphics, networked virtual reality, modeling and simulation, serious and entertainment games.
Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri, 1978-1984
D.Sc. Computer Science - Awarded January, 1984
School of Engineering and Applied Science
“Algorithm Directed Architectures for Real-Time Surface Display Generation”
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Amherst, MA, 1976-1978
M.S. Computer and Information Science Awarded September 1978
University of California, San Diego, Revelle College - La Jolla, California, 1972-1976
B.A. Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences/Bioengineering - Awarded 1976
Minor in Spanish Literature
Languages: Spanish (6 years), Japanese (2.5 years), Mandarin ( <1 year).
Academic Positions
University of Southern California – Los Angeles
- Emeritus Professor of Engineering Practice, USC Department of Computer Science.
- Founding Director of the USC Computer Science Games Program, part of USC Games, January 2005 - May 2023.
- Founding Director of the USC GamePipe Laboratory, January 2005 - May 2019.
- Founder USC Games Joint Advanced Games Course, October 2004 – present
- Professor Emeritus Computer Science Practice, May 2023 - present
- Professor of Engineering Practice, USC Department of Computer Science, March 2006 – May 2023
- Research Staff, USC, Information Sciences Institute, January 2005 – March 2006
- Visiting Research Scholar, USC, Information Sciences Institute, February 2004 – December 2004
Naval Postgraduate School - Monterey, California
- Founder & Director, The MOVES Institute, November 2000 – November 2004
- Professor of Computer Science, July 93 – January 2005
- Founding Chair, Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation Academic Group, April 96 – April 01
- Academic Associate Chair for the Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation Curriculum, March 97 - April 99
- Academic Associate Chair for the Department of Computer Science, July 92 - March 97
- Granted tenure in the Department of Computer Science, July 90
- Associate Chair for Research, Department of Computer Science, April 90 - June 91
- Associate Chair for Instruction, Department of Computer Science, July 88 - June 89
- Associate Chair for Administrative Affairs, Department of Computer Science, May 87 - June 88
- Associate Professor of Computer Science, July 87 - June 93
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science,Feb. 84 - June 87
Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri
- Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, August 83 - January 84
- Research Associate, Department of Computer Science and Department of Biological Chemistry, March 83 - August 83
- Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, September 81 - March 83
- Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, September 78 - August 81
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Amherst, Massachusetts
- Teaching Associate/Teaching Assistant September 76 - August 78, Department of Computer and Information Science
University of California, San Diego - La Jolla, CA
- Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, June 73 - July 76
National Academy Appointments
- Awarded a lifetime appointment as a National Associate of the National Academies, an appointment made by the Council of the National Academy of Sciences in November 2003, awarded in recognition of “extraordinary service” to the National Academies.
- Appointed a member of the National Research Council Division on Earth and Life Sciences Committee on the Future US Workforce for Geospatial Intelligence, Feb 2011 – April 2012.
- Appointed a member of the National Research Council Division of Engineering & Physical Sciences Tiger Standing Committee, October 2008 – October 2010.
- Appointed a member of the National Research Council Laboratory Assessments Board, Soldier Systems Panel, June 2007 – June 2009.
- Appointed a member of the National Research Council Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Division Committee on Organizational Models from Individuals to Societies, March 2005 – 31 January 2007.
- Appointed member of the National Research Council Mathematical Sciences and Their Application Board Committee on Defense Modeling, Simulation and Analysis, October 2004 – November 2006.
- Appointed member of the National Research Council Naval Studies Board Committee for the review of FORCEnet Implementation Strategies, 1 August 2003 – December 2004.
- Appointed member of the National Research Council Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board Panel on The Review of NASA’s Revolutionize Aviation Program, 1 December 2002 – May 2004.
- Appointed chair of the National Research Council Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board Panel on Computing, Information, and Communications Technology (CICT) and member of the parent NRC Committee for the Review of NASA’s Pioneering Revolutionary Technology Program, 15 May 2002 – 31 January 2004.
- Appointed member of the National Research Council’s Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board’s Committee on Advanced Engineering Environments, 15 June 1998 - September 30, 2000.
- Appointed chair of National Research Council, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board committee on “Modeling and Simulation: Linking Entertainment & Defense,” March 96 - September 97.
- Appointed member of the National Research Council, Behavioral and Social Sciences Commission Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development, 11 January 1993 - January 1995.